Back to the Basics with CRM and Reputation Management

March 16, 2023

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

No matter where you are in the business world—just starting, just catching your stride or a long-time veteran—you won’t get any further without loyal customers who trust you. To build up that foundation of trust and to improve on it you need feedback from your customers, old and new. You need a viable Customer Relationship... Read More

Keep Customers Coming Back with a Birthday Club

March 01, 2023

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Bring Customers Back Year After Year with a Birthday Club Everyone loves to be celebrated on their special day. The PISTn birthday club feature, included with your PISTn website system, makes it easy to show your customers how much you value them. The best part is, while you are treating your customers to a small... Read More

Why All Websites are Not Created Equal

February 04, 2023

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Why All Websites are Not Created Equal Professional website design offers you a range of conveniences and features that you simply can’t get from every provider. If you’re a business owner, you shouldn’t try to build your own business website. Even some “professional” website creators may not have the specialty knowledge of your industry. It... Read More

Should You Hire a Pro to Manage Your Google Ads?

January 18, 2023

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Are you wondering whether you should hire a pro to manager your Google Ads or go it alone? Google Ads are part of an effective comprehensive digital marketing plan for businesses in many industries. Google Ads capture the attention of potential customers who are actively searching for your services and products. Deciding whether or not... Read More

Why NAP Consistency Matters

December 14, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Why NAP Consistency Matters NAP is an acronym for Name, Address, Phone. Essentially, it’s the contact information for your brick-and-mortar business, and it’s how visitors to your website are able to find and contact you. NAP consistency matters because major search engines, such as Google and Bing, give higher rankings to businesses that have a... Read More

3 Benefits of Updating Your Website Regularly

November 16, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

3 Benefits of Updating Your Website Regularly While change is inevitable in life, it’s not always easy to keep up with it all. This might be especially true for technology, a field that evolves by the minute. Experts recommend updating your website regularly, but most small businesses would probably consider themselves lucky if they got... Read More

Getting the Most from Your PISTn Website System: Birthday Club & Register to Win Features

November 02, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Getting the Most from Your PISTn Website System: Birthday Club & Register to Win Features Are you getting the most out of your Pistn website system? One of the most powerful tools included in your PISTn Website System is the monthly email marketing that automatically goes out to your customers. There is just one catch... Read More

How to Establish Authority For Yourself and Your Business

October 14, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

When the public trusts your voice or the voice of your business you are an authority in your field. It is essential to be the voice that people trust and turn to, for information, news or educated opinions, but there is a cacophony of voices competing to be heard in the online world. In order... Read More

How to Master Integrated Marketing

October 03, 2022

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

There are plenty of different apps, sites or businesses that offer help for a variety of different marketing features. Keeping track of all of them can be nearly as confusing as trying to tackle them all yourself. Integrated Marketing handles all of that and makes your job—one of them, anyway—much easier. Still, you have to... Read More

Why Reputation Marketing Matters So Much to Local Businesses

September 16, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Reputation marketing is all about a company choosing how they want to be seen and taking steps to build that perception. You have a reputation. Your family, friends, neighbors, and even Facebook all have a perception of who you are. People may see you as empathetic, hard-working, or  perhaps business-savvy. The same is true for... Read More

10 Tips For Improving your Local Search Engine Ranking

August 30, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Improving your Local Search Engine Ranking is a worthy and achievable digital marketing goal for your business. You want your business to appear when customers in your neighborhood are looking for your services. Fortunately, there are actions you can take to boost your chances. Back in 2015, Google started gearing searches toward mobile users in... Read More

Why Use SMS Texting with Email Marketing?

August 19, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Why Use SMS Texting with Email Marketing? Keep your customers motivated, and continually attract new ones, by combining the two most direct communication methods in your marketing toolbox—email and text marketing. Undivided attention is hard to come by these days, but texts and email get your messages through in a memorable, activating way. Provided that... Read More

How to Optimize Your Business For Voice Searches

July 30, 2022

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Optimize Your Business For Voice Searches “Hey Google….” How many times have you started a Google search that way? If you’re like the majority of Americans, the answer to that question is “more and more often.” Increasingly, U.S. consumers are turning to voice searches to find the services, products or answer to the questions they... Read More

How Are People Finding Your Business?

July 12, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Your Website is the Portal Whether you run an automotive business, locksmith, landscaping, or other professional services, you need people to find your business. Your website is the portal. When your phone rings or your email dings, it’s likely that the customer on the other end has found your business through your website. At least,... Read More

Borrow Ideas From Other Industries To Help Your Auto Service Shop

June 29, 2022

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

In the automotive service sector, for example, it’s not always easy to come up with a different kind of marketing idea that will bring new customers into your business and keep others loyal. Fortunately, automotive businesses aren’t the only type out there, and you can draw your inspiration from other businesses and industries. Many service-oriented... Read More

Why SEO Is More Important Than Ever Since the Pandemic

June 12, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Why SEO Is More Important Than Ever Since the Pandemic While most business owners know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important, since 2020 it has become more crucial to your success than ever. When the pandemic began, there was a seismic shift on the Internet when it comes to buying. Consumer priorities changed overnight,... Read More

Why Building Loyalty with Your Customers Through Marketing Matters So Much

May 20, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Why Building Loyalty with Your Customers Through Marketing Matters So Much If you made a list of the most important assets that any business has, its customers would undoubtedly be right at the top. Your customer base, as it continues to grow and expand, will allow your business to do the same. These are more... Read More

Why is text marketing so important?

May 12, 2022

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Text Message Marketing Short message service (SMS) or text message marketing has advantages over other types of direct marketing. It’s fast, it’s cheap and it’s effective. It also encourages interaction between your brand and your consumers and, for that reason alone, it’s increasing in popularity. In the US, over 77% of the entire population owns... Read More

Digital Marketing Trends We’re Watching in 2022

April 01, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Digital Marketing Trends We’re Watching in 2022 One of the most important things to understand about digital marketing is that it is constantly changing. The Internet of the 1990s is barely recognizable compared to the fast-paced digital world we’re living in now. That’s why it’s crucial to understand the biggest digital marketing trends of the... Read More