Are You Missing Out on High ROI Marketing with Text Messages?

July 12, 2024

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

In today’s fast-paced world people are constantly on the move. PISTN’s text messaging feature offers businesses a surefire means of connecting with their customers quickly and efficiently. Text messages have exceptionally high open rates compared to other forms of communication. According to a study by Mobile Marketing Watch, text messages boast a 98% open rate,... Read More

Reminder: Update Your Holiday Business Hours Online

December 13, 2023

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Quick Reminder! With the holidays approaching it is a good time to take a moment and post any changes to your normal business hours on your website and local listings (Google, Yelp, etc.). Updating your website and your Google Business Listing is a simple yet impactful way to communicate your holiday schedule with your clientele.... Read More

4 Strategies to Expand Your Email List and Increase Revenue

November 17, 2023

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Communicating with your customers builds lasting relationships and drives repeat business — so text and email marketing can be a game-changer for a small business. Collecting email addresses and text messaging sign-ups is an essential step for local businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts. Our data, collected from working with hundreds of businesses across... Read More

Back to the Basics with CRM and Reputation Management

March 16, 2023

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

No matter where you are in the business world—just starting, just catching your stride or a long-time veteran—you won’t get any further without loyal customers who trust you. To build up that foundation of trust and to improve on it you need feedback from your customers, old and new. You need a viable Customer Relationship... Read More

Keep Customers Coming Back with a Birthday Club

March 01, 2023

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Bring Customers Back Year After Year with a Birthday Club Everyone loves to be celebrated on their special day. The PISTn birthday club feature, included with your PISTn website system, makes it easy to show your customers how much you value them. The best part is, while you are treating your customers to a small... Read More

Getting the Most from Your PISTn Website System: Birthday Club & Register to Win Features

November 02, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Getting the Most from Your PISTn Website System: Birthday Club & Register to Win Features Are you getting the most out of your Pistn website system? One of the most powerful tools included in your PISTn Website System is the monthly email marketing that automatically goes out to your customers. There is just one catch... Read More

Borrow Ideas From Other Industries To Help Your Auto Service Shop

June 29, 2022

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

In the automotive service sector, for example, it’s not always easy to come up with a different kind of marketing idea that will bring new customers into your business and keep others loyal. Fortunately, automotive businesses aren’t the only type out there, and you can draw your inspiration from other businesses and industries. Many service-oriented... Read More

Why Building Loyalty with Your Customers Through Marketing Matters So Much

May 20, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Why Building Loyalty with Your Customers Through Marketing Matters So Much If you made a list of the most important assets that any business has, its customers would undoubtedly be right at the top. Your customer base, as it continues to grow and expand, will allow your business to do the same. These are more... Read More

A Big Thank You and A Few Words on Geofencing, Service Reminders and Smart CRM/OEM

March 15, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

A BIG THANK YOU All of us here at PISTn want to send out a big thank you to all the Tuffy dealers that attended our Breakout sessions at the Tuffy Conference in Florida this year. We enjoyed visiting with everyone who stopped by our Trade Show booth as well. Our first breakout was standing... Read More


February 18, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

HOW ROBUST IS YOUR EMAIL MARKETING? In early 2020, as the Coronavirus swept through the country, small businesses discovered that the ability to inform customers of sudden changes to operations is a vital — and often overlooked — part of a marketing plan. During that time, clients started calling PISTN for help with emails to... Read More

“Your News” Articles: Are You Making the Most of Your Website?

January 03, 2022

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Are You Making the Most of Your Website? Sharing short news updates about your business on your website is a great way to keep customers engaged and thinking about you. Your website is the only real estate on the internet where you have total control. You can use that space to promote your business with... Read More

Why Reputation Management Matters for Small Businesses

October 26, 2021

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Why Reputation Management Matters for Small Businesses Traditionally, small businesses only needed to establish a good local reputation to succeed. Maintaining a reputation typically involves attracting locals and developing good relationships with them. Then, people would patronize a shop based on the recommendations of friends and neighbors. Nowadays, those endorsements are widely made online. All... Read More

Responding to Reviews 101

June 19, 2020

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

RESPONDING TO REVIEWS 101 No matter what industry you’re in, online reviews can directly impact your business. Positive customer reviews can amplify your marketing efforts; but all of the marketing dollars in the world may not be enough to overcome a negative online presence. The only space on the internet where you can maintain 100%... Read More

Quick Tip for Growing Your Facebook Audience [FREE]

April 27, 2020

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

A Quick Tip for Getting More Likes on Your Facebook Business Page One way to keep your customers engaged with your business is to post photos and updates on Facebook. But, if you want your customers to see your posts they have to “Like” your page (or you have to pay for advertising.) In the... Read More

CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE: 6 Recommendations for Small Businesses Deemed “Essential”

March 25, 2020

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

(4 Minute Read) In this unprecedented time of “Stay at Home” and “Shelter In Place” orders across the country in response to the Coronavirus and Covid-19, our small business clients have been contacting us asking how they can best respond. This blog post will address our 6 best recommendations for small businesses that have been... Read More