How important is your email list?

November 05, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Recent security issues with Facebook and other social media challenge present a double-edged sword for marketers. On the one hand, news that data had been compromised is a reminder of why it is important for businesses to own their communication platforms—as if dwindling organic reach figures and constantly-changing news feed algorithms weren’t enough. It also... Read More

Facebook is changing ratings to recommendations

September 03, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Facebook is changing the way people will review your business page. The social media giant is rolling out a plan to all business pages that would replace the rating system to recommendations in an attempt to generate more authentic information about the quality of business you operate. “Local business pages have always features ratings and... Read More

Are Google searches rigged?

September 01, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Are Google search results rigged against you? The obvious answer to this question is ‘no,’ but many people are still asking it after President Donald Trump’s latest unsubstantiated claim. For those that missed it, the president recently called Google’s search results “rigged,” in a tweet, claiming that searches of “Trump news” only showed reporting by... Read More

7 Simple rules of email etiquette

July 29, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

When you’re asking for your customer’s attention, you have to do it in the right way. That goes with any kind of solicitation and it is particularly true with marketing email. Email can get a bad rap because there’s a tendency to overuse it, but it’s still one of the best ways to get your... Read More

Facebook adds Stories Archive feature

July 06, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Facebook stories may be around for a while, after all. The feature, launched by Facebook in Ireland in 2017, was designed to compete with Instagram or Snapchat. It essentially allowed users to add photos and videos to a story for their friends to tap through. Like with Instagram or Snapchat, there are different effects you... Read More

Email marketing trends for 2018

July 05, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

There have been many changes in digital marketing trends through the years, and email marketing is no different. Email marketing is still one of the preferred ways for marketers to get their messages to consumers—it remains the best way to ensure your message gets exactly where you want it to go at the exact time... Read More

Three ways to increase Facebook engagement

June 30, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

It’s difficult to run a Facebook business page these days—or at least an active one. Organic reach has been dropping steadily for several years, and Facebook is continually altering its algorithm to place more emphasis—and show more users—content from their friends, family and outer circle. That’s understandable, given that it was created to be a... Read More

It’s beginning to look a lot like…Christmas?

June 07, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

We know what you’re thinking. Please! I’ve barely warmed up! I can’t be thinking about Christmas! True, the year is barely six months old and, while we don’t want to hasten its departure any more than the next full-service marketing firm, it’s time to start thinking about your holiday marketing campaign—or, at the very least,... Read More