Beyond Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: Making Social Media Work for Your Business

August 08, 2021

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

Beyond Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: Making Social Media Work for Your Business While it’s difficult to ignore the millions and millions of followers that the big three social media sites have, there are more than 500 other social media platforms. Niche social media sites target specific audiences like book lovers, knitters and car enthusiasts. If... Read More

Responding to Reviews 101

June 19, 2020

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

RESPONDING TO REVIEWS 101 No matter what industry you’re in, online reviews can directly impact your business. Positive customer reviews can amplify your marketing efforts; but all of the marketing dollars in the world may not be enough to overcome a negative online presence. The only space on the internet where you can maintain 100%... Read More

Quick Tip for Growing Your Facebook Audience [FREE]

April 27, 2020

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

A Quick Tip for Getting More Likes on Your Facebook Business Page One way to keep your customers engaged with your business is to post photos and updates on Facebook. But, if you want your customers to see your posts they have to “Like” your page (or you have to pay for advertising.) In the... Read More

CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE: 6 Recommendations for Small Businesses Deemed “Essential”

March 25, 2020

Posted By: Sherrie Brindley

(4 Minute Read) In this unprecedented time of “Stay at Home” and “Shelter In Place” orders across the country in response to the Coronavirus and Covid-19, our small business clients have been contacting us asking how they can best respond. This blog post will address our 6 best recommendations for small businesses that have been... Read More

How important is ‘drive-by’ web traffic?

October 01, 2019

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

By now, you’ve established your business on the world wide web through a website, various social media channels and through search engine optimization. What’s the best way to turn all that digital space into new customers? Pay attention, according to Kevin Steeland, CEO of PISTn Marketing. “To me, one of the number one things that... Read More

Ways to drive more traffic to your business with Google My Business

September 13, 2019

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

We recently talked about the new Welcome Offer feature offered by Google My Business as a way to increase engagement and earn new customers. That is just one way the search engine giant is strengthening its business services. Google My Business is also rolling out additional features that will help drive customers to your web... Read More

How to handle a social media crisis

April 03, 2019

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Into every social media platform, a crisis will fall. It’s inevitable, with human nature the way it is, the relative anonymity of the Internet and the ever-present trolls lurking to pounce on any mistake or perceived sleight. In fact it’s difficult to turn on the television or scroll through someone’s social media feed without hearing... Read More

The best tools for monitoring your social media

February 03, 2019

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

It’s only natural to wonder what people are saying about your business. With so many social media channels and review sites available, chances are, if you’ve interacted with a customer, they have something to say about it. Just like with person-to-person conversations, these will happen whether you’re aware of them or not. Given how quickly... Read More

Facebook is changing ratings to recommendations

September 03, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Facebook is changing the way people will review your business page. The social media giant is rolling out a plan to all business pages that would replace the rating system to recommendations in an attempt to generate more authentic information about the quality of business you operate. “Local business pages have always features ratings and... Read More

It’s beginning to look a lot like…Christmas?

June 07, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

We know what you’re thinking. Please! I’ve barely warmed up! I can’t be thinking about Christmas! True, the year is barely six months old and, while we don’t want to hasten its departure any more than the next full-service marketing firm, it’s time to start thinking about your holiday marketing campaign—or, at the very least,... Read More

Social media predictions for 2018

January 03, 2018

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

The New Year will bring challenges to business owners, and the continued digital marketing revolution will be there to help—or hurt. Just like last year, we expect plenty of changes to impact your business’ social media channels. Here are some of the top trends we’re predicting: Shrinkage. You probably noticed last year that the number... Read More