The five components of a healthy web site

November 04, 2015

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

We live in a fast-paced world, with dozens of things competing for our attention at all times. The prevalence of social media and the ever-increasing speed of the internet—along with the ever-dwindling attention span of most people—means you don’t have very long to attract and keep the attention of customers and potential customers. In fact,... Read More

Avoid these email marketing mistakes

October 02, 2015

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Today, personalized marketing is more important than ever. There are so many ways businesses are trying to attract the attention of customers—and so many different ways to do it—that the personal touch will go a long way toward elevating your shop above the rest. Email is a tried and true way for business owners to... Read More

What to include in your auto shop blog

July 30, 2015

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Maintaining a blog is one of the best things you can do for your business. Blogs are easy to create and maintain and relatively inexpensive—with sites like WordPress or Blogger, you can get started for free—and they will help you reach new customers through improved search engine rankings and general word of mouth. The concept... Read More

How to build relationships and retain customers

June 27, 2015

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Attracting customers is only half the battle. Once you win them over, you have to keep them and that isn’t easy. With a little perseverance and some proactive thinking, you can keep your customers by reminding them what brought them through your doors to begin with—superior customer service. Before we get to some tips about... Read More

Ten rules for email marketing campaigns

May 12, 2015

Posted By: Scotty Spielman

Email marketing remains one of the best ways to get your message across to your customers. Your email messages are one thing you still have complete control over—not only the content, but who gets to see them. You don’t have to worry about some new twitch in the Facebook algorithm or getting lost in a... Read More